
In case you’re wondering who I am…

Peach Picking at Schnepf Farms

Hi, I’m Maggie, currently a junior at Arizona State University studying biological sciences and Chinese language. Also had a brief interlude as a Supply Chain Management major, because being sure about one’s life path is difficult at any age.

Originally from Tucson, I spent much of my childhood summers travelling in China, where I will also be studying abroad for a year come this Fall 2019.

I have a dog named Alice, and a ragdoll cat named Banksy.

Big fan of poetry, singing in the car, roadtrips, sunny windows, good books, and amazon prime.

Salt River, AZ

The point of this blog

Starting this blog is probably one of the scarier things I’ve done. Putting oneself online, is also putting myself in full view of others. My thoughts, beliefs, and experiences are now vulnerable to criticism and comment. That’s terrifying. But also, it is so necessary for us to share our thoughts with each other. Perhaps I am opening myself up to internet strangers, allowing others a glimpse into my life, but there’s honesty in that too. I want to be real with myself and others. This is where TeamUnscene comes in.